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Minggu, 22 April 2012

Cucumber juice in the diet is one of the best favorable juices to improve and maintain healthy skin, nails and hair. Cucumbers have very high water content and are a popular vegetable for juice recipes. Most store bought cucumbers are covered in a defensive wax, which needs to be removed for juicing. The nutrients are mainly in the skin so for minimum benefit is better to juice fresh organic cucumbers.

Cucumber juice is amusing in potassium, silica, manganese, sulfur, vitamin A, vitamin C, foliate and chlorophyll.

It is a high pH vegetable which reinforces connective tissue, helps to dissolve kidney stones and is specially useful in purgative sugar from the body. Cucumber juice in the diet is frequently used for: acne, arthritis, fluid retention, eczema, high blood pressure, hair loss and weight loss.

Cucumbers contain a lot of water and the people of the Middle East and Central Asia are known for drinking cucumber juice. In these countries, people drink cucumber juice on warm days to help cool their body.

Cucumbers have a lot of vitamin A in their skin but if you buy polished cucumbers, then you should skin the cucumber. Once this happens though, you loose maximum of the vitamin A.

Cucumbers and apples are often polished, unless naturally grown. Once waxed, no washing can remove the wax. You have no choice but to peel.

I have started keeping a mason pot filled with cucumber juice in my fridge as I’ve exposed that it is the best thing ever for making a quick, refreshing drink. A splash in a big glass of cold water with a squeeze of lemon (or lime) makes a healthy, cooling beverage perfect for tasting at any time of day.

To make, just chop as many cucumbers as you'd choice (I do about 2 large ones at a time) into a few big chunks. Add to your blender or food processor, then puree until smooth. Strain through a fine sieve (or a colander wrinkled with cheesecloth) and you're done! (Use the leftover solids for salad dressing). If you have a juicer like I do, it's even easier-- all you have to do is run a pair fresh cucumbers through the machine.
Store the juice in an air-tight glass jar (such as a mason or other clean canning jar). I've found that this will keep well in the fridge for about 2 weeks--and you can add a splash or two to your water as needed. (This cucumber juice also makes a great base for cocktails!)

  • Cancer 
  • Heart diseases
  • Relieves Eczemas
  • Vaginal itching
  • Difficulty in passing urine 
  • Loss of appetite 


Rock Salt
Curry leaves
Coriander leaves 

How to make Cucumber Juice

1. Extract juice from the cucumber in a blender.

2. Grind & squeeze the juice of coriander leaves & curry leaves.

3. Add buttermilk. Add cucumber to the buttermilk. Add a pinch of rock salt & mix them together.

4. The cucumber cooler is ready to drink.   

1 komentar:

  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about cucumber juice. Please keep sharing. Health Is A Life
